So I’ve started the preparations for deploying Windows 7 RTM in my home and I discovered an intriguing problem when injecting the latest Nvidia Geforce graphics driver into my offline Windows 7 image using DISM (deployment image servicing and management tool). The error was:
C:\Windows\system32>dism /image:e:\tempwim /add-driver /driver:”e:\Documents\Windows 7\Drivers\x64″ /recurse
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Searching for driver packages to install…
Found 1 driver package(s) to install.
Installing 1 of 1 – e:\Documents\Windows 7\Drivers\x64\Nvidia Forceware v190.38 WHQL (\NV_DISP.INF: Error – An error occurred. The driver package could not be installed.
For more information, check for log files in the <windir>\inf folder of the target image.
Error: 30
The command completed with errors. For more information, refer to the log file.
The DISM log file can be found at C:\Windows\Logs\DISM\dism.log
The problem was that the Nvidia driver wasn’t totally unpacked as it requested files not there. To solve this one has to extract all the files from the Nvidia driver, the most easy was to do this is to put all the files from the original Nvidia installation and then run “expand *.* c:\target” to unpack all files in the driver. After doing this you will have no problems injecting the driver into your Windows 7 wim image.
Note that the problem exist for both the Microsoft Update Catalog driver as well as the one which is available directly from Nvidia. Also note that this problem does not exist if you’re using Microsoft Deployment Toolkit 2010.
EDIT: Corrected the command from “extract” to “expand”. Thanks for the comment!